Enough with the fearmongering!!!
I'm sick of nearly everyone tacitly accepting the specious environmentalist credo that we must preserve the earth as it was... the Earth is a dynamic system. Ice ages come and go. The earth warms up and cools down. This is not a justification for raping and pillaging, stewardship is always better than exploitation, but the only effective method for protecting against unnecessary or dangerous exploitation is PRIVATE OWNERSHIP, not government oversight. If you want a good example of how well governments protect the environment, then check out Russia, which under tight state control was turned into a veritable wasteland.
Once again emotionalism, elitism, slipshod thinking, dubious science and statism are the key drivers behind the environmental shock troops that want to send you back to the Stone Age. Stand up for people! Not bogus neo-Malthusian logic.
My supposition is the core tenants of the radical environments credo have more to do with self hatred. Deep down these folks must hate people and hate themselves. I, for one, do not. If in fact we evolved to be the dominant species on this planet, then damnit, I don't advocate surrendering our position! I'm not at all willing to retreat to "noble savage" status to satisfy the whims of some radical, who probably drives a nice car, lives in a nice warm house in luxury a king would have only dreamed about 400 years ago, eats a diet of high quality organic food, etc. just because they think our carbon footprint is too big, or mankind is destroying the environment and a few species might die out. The world is a very big place, it's constantly changing....species die out.. it will continue to change... duh!
Good links..
Click for a sound debunking of many myths
Other good links..
Hypocrisy of Gore and the truth about that "dangerous" gas, carbon dioxide in little video snippets! No reading required.
CEI Videos
The Competitive Enterprise Institute has been dubbed the best environmentalist think tank in
CEI Environmental Policy Page
Plenty more... just search Google. Don't believe what you read or see in the media!
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