Tuesday, March 29, 2005

The Outrage Continues....

Think I'm some radical, white, right-wing nut job.. read what the Village Voice, a paragon of the hard left, has to say on this issue.. "Terri Schiavo: Judicial Murder"

I have to praise the Village Voice for standing up on the right side of an issue for once!

A few factoids..
  • apt title, "Terri Schiavo: Judicial Murder"

  • very apt subtitle, "Her crime was being disabled, voiceless, and at the disposal of our media"

  • "...a 41-year-old woman, who has committed no crime, will die of dehydration and starvation in the longest public execution in American history."

  • "...She is not brain-dead or comatose, and breathes naturally on her own. Although brain-damaged, she is not in a persistent vegetative state..."

  • "[Judge] Greer has declared Terri Schiavo to be in a persistent vegetative state, but he has never gone to see her."

  • The ACLU, had Mrs. Schiavo been a convict on death row, would have been fighting the state decisions, has rolled over and filed a brief for the husband

  • Charges of abuse and neglect by Michael's hands have been filed on numerous occasions yet ignored by the media and the courts

  • Michael says he loves and cares for his legitimate wife, yet he has refused her receiving ANY therapy or rehabilitation since 1993... 12 years! He has been letting her rot hoping she would die.. "..the bitch won't die.." I believe is how he put it.

  • 33 affidavits have been filed by doctors, neurologist and other experts asking that Mrs. Schiavo be given a full neurological examination, all have been rebuffed

.. and it goes on and on... this is an absolutely dynamite article that busts many myths and inaccuracies perpetuated by the mainstream media.

Kudos to the Village Voice! (I thought I would never say that.. LOL)

This is murder folks, state sanctioned murder, and you could be next should you become a defenseless victim suffering from a stroke, heart attack, car accident, etc... It's an outrage that convicts on death row are afforded more legal due process. Wake up people, wake up before it's too late!


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