The "Right to Die" Agenda... aka Right to Kill
The judiciary in this country is bloated and out of control and is almost totally a captive of a radical fringe. Judicial fiat is becoming the only legal bedrock of the land. This is a hideous trend that must be stopped before the courts shred the remaining tatters of the constitution and our rights as Americans not already shredded by the other two branches of government. Leviathan has become a multi-headed beast since the war between the states, thanks Abe. Instead of working together as a triad (Legal, Legislative, Executive), we now have a beast not unlike hydra. Each head is menacing, bloodthirsty and vicious of it's own accord, and killing just one won't destroy the beast, it must be countered on all fronts. But the beast has grown so strong as to make this an almost impossible task. Lord have mercy!
I find it particularly ironic how the left is willing to roll out the issue of States Rights when they are trying to sanction the killing of the longborn but as to the unborn... nope, they jam it down every states' throat from the federal level.
This is a sad day for Americans. We have gone further down the depraved slippery slope towards an absolute disregard for the sanctity of human life. We are paying the price for our selfish behavior and giving sway to the centralization of power. Wilson, FDR, Truman, Johnson, Nixon, etc.. we let them all take little bits of our rights away in return for paltry handouts taken from our brother's pockets. Now that we have signed away our lives and inheritance to Uncle Sam, we have become wards of the state to be done with as the ruling classes see fit.
From conception to death, life must be respected. Killing the defenseless can never be justified if order and respect is to be maintained. We live in a land that sanctions the taking of defenseless people, just because it inconveniences us. Look out.. you could be the next person to be declared by the state to be useless and to be discarded. It's time for the soft "pro-choice" crowd that have been cowed by verbal rhetoric against making a stand for life to stand up and be counted, you never know when open season will be declared on you or one of your loved ones because somebody has been inconvenienced by events or doesn't feel they are worth keeping around. Respect for the sanctity of human life is a seamless garment, either people are special, or we're just so much meat. Then again.. we treat animals better than Terri Schiavo.
Here's what Thomas Sowell, a much smarter man has to say on this.. "Killing Terri Schiavo"
Also by Thomas Sowell: "Cruel and unusual"
For a more political perspective from Bob Novak.. plus an interesting tidbit on Ralph Nader's perspective (hint: "After the show, the old reformer noted to me that it was illegal to starve a dog to death but it was being done to Terri Schiavo. This is an issue truly transcending normal political boundaries." ) "A feeding frenzy in D.C."
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