The Education System... a tale of intrigue
There are many powerful forces and groups at play who aren't in the least bit interested in a populous of educated individuals. In fact, there was a long running dialog in England in the late 19th century (that was imported stateside soon thereafter) over just what percentage of the populous should be educated to rule. My memory fails me as to the exact percentage, but it was the general consensus that well less than 10% would be sufficient to rule properly. A variant of the same model, albeit where a larger percentage of Americans should be properly educated, was adopted here. This is an appalling outrage and no amount of well intentioned reform will help save a system devised with an end goal contrary to the educating of individuals. Why would the government want educated citizens? They are harder to rule over and might just not go along with the more "elightened" class of rulers.. better to turn out brainwashed "citizens" that will accept the status quo at face value, pay their taxes with little complaint and endlessly bicker about how they should be given more and better handouts. No wonder there is so much disenfranchisement with where this country is headed... the average person knows something is rotten in Denmark but isn't able to put their finger on what exactly it is. The homeschooling movement is somewhat a threat, but this too will only have a limited effect because of the proliferation of two income homes.
This country was founded on principles of self reliance, duty and responsibility. This article does a good job of making a case for how the school system was engineered intentionally to systematically purge these principles from the common populous. Something is indeed rotten in Denmark and scrapping the "education" establishment would be huge leap forward to righting the sinking ship of America.
Don't believe me? Here is what that scoundrel Woodrow Wilson had to say about the education system, of which he was a chief reformer, in 1909 when he was president of Princeton University, "...[Wilson] said the following to the New York City School Teachers Association in 1909: "We want one class of persons to have a liberal education, and we want another class of persons, a very much larger class, of necessity, in every society, to forgo the privileges of a liberal education and fit themselves to perform specific difficult manual tasks." I wonder what Jefferson and Franklin would have had to say about this.. I seriously doubt they would agree. Huxley's "Brave New World" paints a grim picture of a society where these very same principles are taken to their logical conclusion.
Footnote: For a deliciously politically incorrect perspective on this.. check on Fred Reed's (aka Fred on Everything") "solutions". Click here for the less than faint of heart.
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