Monday, September 20, 2004

The Nanny State

I'm so sick of "elites" and government leaders dictating to me how to live my life, raise my kids or interact with my fellow citizens. For the last hundred years there has been a progressively accelerating socialist tendency for elites, academics and government bureaucrats, who "know better", to institute laws and regulations to force their "enlightened" perspective on the average American. The central state continues to aggrandize power and force increasingly intrusive legislation down our throats. Now there are bills in Congress to force the psychiatric assessment of our schoolchildren. Ron Paul, a real hero for freedom IMHOP, in his essay "The Therapeutic Nanny State" blows the whistle on this deeply troubling trend. As he so rightly points out, Communist states persecuted Christians, Jews and other religious and undesirable sects as examples of psychiatric illness that required treatment.. treatment in Gulags and prisons. Think this couldn't happen to you or your children.. .welll think again. As Rep. Paul so aptly points out, bureaucratic programs tend to grow well beyond their initial mandate. Still think I'm a radical nut.. check out "Crisis and Leviathan", an obscure but scholarly text that systematically chronicles the ratcheting usurpation of central authority under the guise of crisis.

The founding fathers of our country were wise to distrust highly centralized power. It is dangerous indeed and leads to all sorts of hideous consequences, no matter your political viewpoint, unless you are one of the ruling class....


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