Saturday, July 08, 2006

The Slippery Slope to Tyranny

I can't get enough of Walter Williams, cogent, reasoned and succinct prose.

Being a cigar smoker this article is near and dear to my heart since it very succinctly explains what a slippery slope anti-tobacco legislation has put us on. Mr. Williams does a greate job describing the impact of anti-smoking legislation on basic freedoms and a likely deluge of nannystate laws.

Tobacco may be reviled by many, but it once wasn't, is your steak next? Socialist nannies seem to be around every corner dictating to us what we should or should not eat, wear, buy, etc.. seemingly to suck the joy out of life (perhaps they are unhappy people.. hmmm) (although I'm sure soylent green may be the only acceptable comestible, but then again only as long as it's free of transfats, corn syrup and artificial preservatives). Next we'll be hearing about how much sleep you should get, how much gas you can use, how much soda you can drink at one sitting.. etc.. where does it end? Now that smoking is viewed with universal disdain, are big macs next? Is it going to take someone trying to outlaw a favorite pasttime or hobby of yours to get you to defend the privilege of others as do as they see fit? All of you that were so eager or at least complicit in abridging the privileges of us smokers, distateful to you as our habits may be, you're going to pay dearly because leviathan is gunning for you next! Good luck, you'll need it.


Couldn't resist posting this great Mencken quote..

"I believe that any man who takes the liberty of another into his keeping is bound to become a tyrant, and that any man who yields up his liberty, in however slight the measure, is bound to become a slave." H.L. Mencken


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you like thought provoking quotations, consider what the Roman historian Gaius Cornelius Tacitus said regarding laws and governing.

"The more corupt the state, the more numerous the laws."

I wonder if he had a window to the future to view the 21st century.......

12:03 PM  

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