Friday, July 07, 2006

Satanic Gases... The Political Agenda of Pseudo Science.... the Feudal State

I blogged last week about a little book called "Satanic Gases".

This article reviewing “Satanic Gases” refers to it as a reasonably decent treatise debunking the pseudo-science and political agendas behind the global warming hype. The authors unmask the real motives behind Al Gore (I'm using Al Gore because of his celluoid fantasies playing in theaters across the country currently and because he is continually one of the more strident members of the political caste championing the agenda) and his ilk, and the environmental activists he has been trafficking with, behind the supposed fact of global warming. “Global Warming” really has more to do with finding a reason to sell a radical left-wing socialist political agenda than about saving the earth. Here's a quote from this review summarizing points made in the book…

" In 1985 the UN Environment Program (UNEP) held a joint conference with the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA). The International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), into which UNEP evolved, was founded with the explicit goal of finding a ``basis for ... a strategy to address climate change.'' Founded on the assumption that global warming is occurring [emphasis added], the goal of the IPCC was to formulate an international treaty to combat it that eventually became known as the Kyoto Protocol. To this end, the IPCC needed to present a façade of consensus [emphasis added] ito convince policy makers that urgent action was needed. However, in so doing, the IPCC sacrificed its scientific objectivity. John Houghton, a senior scientist for the IPCC, made the following statement that is typical of the IPCC's partisan approach"

Such policies like cutting energy use by more than 50 percent can contribute powerfully to the material salvation of the planet from mankind's greed and indifference. "

What does cutting energy use to save the planet from mankind's greed and indifference have to do with "science." Nothing of course. Once again the environmentalists’ extreme, pseudo-religious belief that mankind is bad and nature, aka. Mother-earth..etc.., is good is unmasked. These crazy nuts at best want to send us back to a menial existence beset with squalor and misery, all for the supposed greater good of “preserving” nature from the virus of humanity. Does this sound a bit like unadulterated paganism to anyone else? Sure does to me. Countless scores of us must be directly or indirectly sacrificed and the rest made to suffer temporal purgation for mankinds' supposed sins! But are these really sins? Isn't the ruthless pursuit of survival, to overcome challenges and to thrive the conerstone evolutionary motivation of all species? Oh, but somehow mankind has evolved beyond the environments capacity to withstand our assaults. Balderdash!

Digging deaper you find more than pagan nitwittery. Political cronies like Al Gore and his buddies in the self-appointed elites and political caste sense an enormous opportunity to use politicized pseudo-science and the fringe radicals driving the environmentalist credo forward to mask their own agenda. This is the height of cynicism at best. This reviewof the “Satanic Gases”, written from a more balanced but yet stilted environmentalist perspective concedes:

"Any rush to judgment is fraught with danger, particularly one based on dubious science and shameless fear-mongering."

I couldn't agree more.. Globalist radicals at the UN and an unholy alliance of nutty minions are using dubious science to shamelessly fear-monger and cajole the average person into backing a radical, socialist political agenda that will strip them of freedom, wealth and perhaps even their existence! Do Al Gore, Kofi Anan and their club of cronies polluting the ranks of various world governments, NGOs and multi-billion dollar foundations have any intention of living in mud huts… hardly! Feudalism ho!

Prediction: Should the real power brokers succeed, count on them turning on their pagan, birkenstock clad earth worshiping pals and sacking them just as Stalin purged Trotsky, but only once they have solidified their hegemony.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go Sean go.

9:07 PM  

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