Wednesday, June 29, 2005

America's sliding into totalitarianism?

Readers of my blog may not agree with me, in whole or in part, but I hope this generates some really sincere thought and introspection. I don't have many answers, and I'm not a fatalist, but Americans need to be thinking and discussing these and other deeply troubling issues so we can stave off what I fear is a gradual decent towards an Americanized form of totalitarianism.

I continue to mull the quandary we Americans are in today.. and I'm not liking the prevailing, and accelerating trends I see. I had a very involved conversation with a like minded friend last night about the power of free markets.. free markets are the true American heritage.. not our political process or structure.. Lincoln and his ilk destroyed the federal system and the goal of the founders to establish limited government..power, money and political control has been increasingly centralized since the North attacked the South. The only thing that is keeping us from living under the oppressive thumb of a statist oligarchy is the power of the market. As long as politicians fear the threat of a major economic backlash, it will keep them somewhat reigned in.. unfortunately I fear that at some point the creeping socialism and fascism of the Depublicans and Remocrats may yet kill the goose that lays the golden egg and we will rapidly cascade into grip of a totalitarian central state. Politicians should fear market forces because it is a very real threat to their power.. observe the behavior of Sadaam Hussein (he destroyed his country's educational and economic systems to extend his power and control), Mugabe in Zimbawee, it is the only real check remaining against absolute dictatorship by a small group of elites.. Americans seem to tolerate oligarchies, not outright dictatorships even though the end result is basically the same. As long as the political caste (and if you don't believe America has one... you need to wake up and smell the kimchee!) can keep the American public fooled into thinking that the two parties represent real choices then they can continue the gradualist agenda toward totalitarianism. Case in point... have you noticed how the Bush Sr. and Clinton are buddies .. very, very telling.

I encourage everyone to read John Stossel's book, "Give Me a Break..." I picked up a copy at Costco for $14. "Gimme a Break.."

To a paraphrase a friend.. to choose between Remocrats and Depublicans is to choose which fist, left or right, you're going to get belted with... doesn't matter which one you pick, you're gonna end up with a black eye. Now, I understand, it's not nearly that simple.. but it's kinda funny because it does ring true to some extent.

Republicans=Whigs(party of big business and big moneyed interests getting handouts from the confiscated wealth of the taxpayers) + No Nothings (no nothing party was the radical anti-Catholic party, the expedient here is the fact they were zealous empire builders whose faith consists of a national messianic zeal, not unlike the 1st century jews.. it's not an accident that Lincoln referred to the 'Nation" in quasi religious terminology... this is not a veiled dig at my Protestant brothers and sisters, but the simple fact is many, certainly not all, of our immigrant ancestors, Catholic and Protestant alike, lost their faith and replaced it with an American form of political messianism. Nationalism is a false God, an idol that all too often humans throughout the history of the world came to worship, instead of the one, true God. The first century Jews did it, and most Americans have fallen victim to the very same quasi-nationalist religiosity. Countless other examples abound.. too many to mention, the religious framework doesn't matter, this has happened to EVERY civilization mankind has ever erected and demonstrates our human failings all too readily. I'll need to make another blog post to more deeply espouse my opinions on these matters.... back to my take on the current state of affairs.

Democrats were once the party of Jefferson, but over time fell into a socialist axis instead of defending states rights, freedom and the constitution. The process was pretty much completed after Johnson lost to Nixon and the McGovernites took over the party. JFK was actually in some ways a throwback , he cut taxes and government regulations, and some say was intent on dismantling the military and national intelligence apparatis and definitely worked to curtail the immense power of the FBI.. not too mention labor and la cosa nostra.. thus the military, mob, labor, cia ganged up on him to get him out of the way.. or so say the conspiracy buffs. Probably not true, although all of these parties were plenty dienfranchised by the actions of him and his brother, but if you look at what happened once Johnson took power.. much of the agenda of these powerful forces was institued en mass.. government handouts galore.. the FBI's power continued to grow, the military was sent full bore into Vietnam, the CIAs power and influence zenithed in 1969 (they had so much money in the mid sixties that they were seriously contemplating their own private space program, even to the point of collaborating with the air force and training astronauts (btw, Nasa discovered several space suits from this program stashed away in a storage locker and they are being sent to the Smithsonian for exhibition), the trade unions got major handouts, the bureaucracy blossomed under the great society spending spree.. blahblahblah anyway.. enough ranting. For some seriously thought provoking though, read Murray Rothbard's take on this by following the link below.

Left and Right: The Prospects for Liberty

BTW, this was published in 1965.. still quite relevant, even visionary.

While on the subject of dictators.. I really don't like Lincoln.. he's America's Caesar and destroyed once and for all the Republic. Here is a great critique of a recent book on Lincoln: "The Unknown Lincoln" Time magazine has recently published a puff piece on him.. blecchh.. here is some truth about the REAL Lincoln... not the mythological figure... some of the articles are over the top, but you'll get the general idea if you read some.

The King Lincoln page

Some fake lincoln quotes.. Lincoln was indeed a very eloquent man, but many of the quotes that are commonly attributed to him aren't his.
Fake Lincoln Quotes

Sound off!!

Sunday, June 05, 2005

EU continues to unravel... Brits are bailing too!

This article from Sunday's Telegraph, "Blair Gives Up on His EU Dream", further documents the disaster the French and Dutch votes have wrought for the dreams of an EU superstate. Hurrah!! Blair has been tirelessly championing the EU cause ever since taking office, but it seems he has bowed to the inevitable and is throwing in the towel. This ensure several things:

1. Britain won't adopt the Euro

2. The brain-drain from Europe to the UK will continue (the French and German economies are burdened enormously by monumentally excessive regulations and near dominance of very powerful trade unions that stifle innovation and burden them with incredible tax rates... consequently the UK's relatively low taxes (by continental standard, onerous by American and even Canadian) and generally more open environment (thank you Maggie Thatcher) the best and brightest of Europe are heading to Britain, Scotland and especially Ireland for better opportunities. The French and Germans have been screaming for EU unity so they can "level" the regulatory and tax playing field by forcing England to adopt their horrendous policies by fiat. Little chance of that now!

3. The Euro may yet fall apart... the French and Germans in particular would have received a major economic boost by absorbing the UK's large and comparitively vibrant economy. Brits have recognized this for some time and have resisted the Euro because they recognized the drain it would have on their pocketbook. This is good for North Americans because the Germans and especially the French aren't really our friends economically. Their dreams of a pan-European superstate to rival the US in particular is on the rocks and seems to imploding before their very eyes.

Blair has been the champion and puppet for Brussels since being elected, but to ensure his political survival he has conceded defeat. Good news for everyone... except the French and German bureaucrats that dominate the Brussels crowd.

French and Dutch strike a blow against the globalist agenda!

Gary North's latest article, EUthanasia, is an excellent and detailed analysis of the European portion of the globalist elites', dare I say conspiratorial, attempts to progressively unify the world into one government rule controlled for their personal ends. Kudos to the French and Dutch voters for throwing a monkey wrench into these plans... only time will tell if the train of statist, mega-corporate globalism derails or continue it's seemingly inexorable march forward. Quite likely they will resort to more underhanded efforts to subvert the will of the French and Dutch voters and push forward their grand vision of an European superstate. BTW, the value of the Euro is in a tailspin and Italians are considering temporarily suspending it.. probably won't happen but it could signify the beginning of a more general groundswell of opposition.

If you think this doesn't apply to we North Americans, think again... the same players behind the EU are at work here, NAFTA, identity cards, etc.. are gradual stages in their long term agenda. These people think and plan for the long term, they are VERY patient. The way back from the brink is to erode the power of the uberstate and resist attempts at further consolidation of power.

Robert Higgs in his 1981 masterpiece Crisis and Leviathan describes very aptly how powerful forces have used crisis to erode Americans' natural resistance to centralized hegemony. Higg's treatise is all the more powerful considering the massive assault on the constitution that took place in the fallout from 9/11.

Americans need to get beyond the Conservative vs. Liberal, left vs. right dialectic and think in broader terms. Politics in this country have been reduced to a jury-rigged, two party political arena. The conservative movement has become a captive of right wing statist hegemony (Republinism, aka. Pres. Lincoln), and the liberals have long been puppets for socialist hegemony. Radical, right wing statism=Facism, radical left wing statism=Communism.

So what's an intelligent person to do? I'll post more later soon on how to broaden our political perspective. Stay tuned...